Developing in Wayang
This tutorial shows users how to compile their code within Wayang using maven.
Compile the module you modified
Within the root directory of Wayang, compile only the module you modified for faster compilation:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -pl <modified_module>
or change the directory to your module and compile there:
cd <modified_module> && mvn clean install
Important: before making a Pull Request make sure all modules compile and all tests are passing:
mvn clean install
Package the project
mvn clean package -pl :wayang-assembly -Pdistribution
Execute your code
Before executing your code, make sure the required environment variables are set correctly.
cd wayang-assembly/target/
tar -xvf apache-wayang-assembly-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT-incubating-dist.tar.gz
cd wayang-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT
./bin/wayang-submit org.apache.wayang.<main_class> <parameters>