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Installing and building Apache Wayang

Clone repository

git clone

Create binaries

Running following commands to build Wayang and generate the tar.gz

cd incubator-wayang
./mvnw clean package -pl :wayang-assembly -Pdistribution

Then you can find the wayang-assembly-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz under wayang-assembly/target directory.

Prepare the environment


tar -xvf wayang-assembly-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz
cd wayang-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT

In linux

echo "export WAYANG_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${WAYANG_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

In MacOS

echo "export WAYANG_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${WAYANG_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


  • You need to install Apache Spark version 3 or higher. Don’t forget to set the SPARK_HOME environment variable.
  • You need to install Apache Hadoop version 3 or higher. Don’t forget to set the HADOOP_HOME environment variable.

Run the program

To execute the WordCount example with Apache Wayang, you need to execute your program with the 'wayang-submit' command:

cd wayang-0.7.1-SNAPSHOT
./bin/wayang-submit org.apache.wayang.apps.wordcount.Main java file://$(pwd)/

Then you should be able to see the output of the Wordcount example.

Compiling Apache Wayang

Apache Wayang (incubating) has different dependencies, for compiling, it needs to add some profile in the compilation to enable maven works properly.

mvn clean compile

The line before is because the plugin the Antlr is not needed in all the modules, as well it has happened with Scala language.

When maven compiles one or more modules using those plugins in the compilation time, it needs to add.

The modules are:

  • wayang-api-scala-java
  • wayang-core (Antlr)
  • wayang-iejoin
  • wayang-spark
  • wayang-profiler
  • wayang-tests-integration

Executing Coverage

mvn clean verify jacoco:report

the final report is placed on ./target/aggregate.exec/aggregate.exec